The first thing to consider when starting your website is to choose a web hosting provider (if you already have a web domain). The web hosting provider provides the web space (i.e. special computers called web servers) where your website files are stored, as well as the technologies and services needed for your website to be viewed on the Internet. Add-on services provided by a web hosting provider typically include data backup, firewall protection, technical support, email services, domain name registration, website building tools, and applications.

If you’re just starting out, it’s a good idea to get your domain and hosting from the same company. This will ensure your domain is seamlessly and conveniently configured with your web hosting account.

You can buy your domain and web-hosting from multiple providers, including HostGator India. But did you know that HostGator India’s award-winning hosting services are ideal for pros and beginners with little or no technical skills? They offer you a super easy way to set up (with just one click) and manage your website cost-effectively with:

Decide What Type of Website You Want

You will typically find 2 types of websites:

Installing a web application software like WordPress, Joomla, Magento, etc. may sound complicated but it’s not. HostGator India allows you one-click installation of web applications and provides friendly 24/7/365 support to make it easy.

Choose Your Hosting Server

Unlike static HTML sites which can be hosted on most web servers, when it comes to web applications, there are basically two types of hosting platforms. Depending on your hosting needs and what you’re most comfortable with, you can choose from:

You can go with either Linux hosting or Windows hosting, regardless of which operating system you use at home or at work. If your website doesn’t require any scripting support, you’ll find Linux hosting more cost-effective. But if your website needs scripting and database support, choose the platform that supports the technologies you use.

Select Your Web Hosting Plan

You will typically find a wide range of services in web hosting, such as:

Most people start with VPS (or even shared) hosting and upgrade later as their business grows. VPS hosting gives you professional web hosting capabilities at a far lower price than a dedicated server.

Change Your DNS Address

After you have purchased your web hosting, you will get Name Servers (also known as Domain Name Servers or DNS) – which is the Internet’s equivalent of a phone book that contains IP Addresses. To get your website up and working, you will need to change the Name Servers of your domain. It’s a simple but mandatory step for you to get started.

  1. Go to your Domain Control Panel via

  2. Enter your registered email address and password.

  3. Click on the Domain Name for which you need to change the Name Servers.

  4. In the Domain Registration section, click on the Name Servers option.

  5. Replace the existing Name Servers with the ones provided by your current web host, and click on the Update Name Servers button.

If you have registered your domain name with a third party provider, you will need to log in to their Control Panel, update the Name Servers of the domain to those provided by HostGator. However, if your domain is already using the Name Servers of the third party provider, you can add an A Record for the domain pointing to HostGator’s Server IP in the third Party DNS Zone.
After you have changed your DNS, it will take about 24-48 hours for your website to start resolving to HostGator India’s servers.

Upload Your Website

You can now upload your website to your account by connecting to the server using either cPanel’s File Manager or FTP Client (such as FileZilla) – after which your website will go live.

Once your FTP is connected, you will see the files and folders of your:

To upload files to your hosting service provider via FileZilla, follow these steps:

  1. From the left-hand side of FileZilla, select the file(s) and folder(s) you want to upload.
  2. Drag and drop the file(s) and folder(s) to the directory location on the right side of your web hosting service. FileZilla will now start uploading.
  3. After the uploading is finished, FileZilla log will confirm success and your uploads will be visible on the right-hand side.

Your website is now live!